Tuesday, June 29, 2010

division by zero is barely legal, but so false!

php > $a = 2/0;
PHP Warning: Division by zero in php shell code on line 1
php > var_dump( $a );

Friday, June 11, 2010

Random encounter: empty and indexing strings

php > $a = "I'm a string";
php > var_dump( empty($a['i am an index']) );

php > $a = "0I'm a string";
php > var_dump( empty($a['i am an index']) );

php > $a = " I'm a string";
php > var_dump( empty($a['i am an index']) );

And another inspired result:

$str = "a 0-gravity cat";
var_dump(empty($str['does not exist'])); // false
var_dump(empty($str['2 bottles of beer ...'])); // true
var_dump(empty($str['0x2 is numbericly!'])); // false
var_dump(empty($str['02 is numbericly!'])); // true
var_dump($str['010 numbericly!']); // y
var_dump("0x2" == 2); // true
var_dump("0x2" == "2"); // famously true

And just another finding investigating the issue even more:

php > var_dump( (int)'0x2' );
php > var_dump( (int)'0x2' );
php > var_dump( floor('0x2') );
php > var_dump( (float)'0x2' );

What else do I have to write?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

All animals are ==, but some animals are === than others.

Equality comparators work differently when it comes to types. Arrays of different instances are always equal (see previous post), objects of different instances are ==-equal but not ===-equal. Funnily, comparing classes (or functions) to strings turns out to be equal again (because identifiers are nothing more than strings ).


$a = array(1,2,3);
$b = array(2,3);

var_dump($a==$b); // false
var_dump($a===$b); // false
array_shift($a); // $a = (2,3)
var_dump($a==$b); // true
var_dump($a===$b); // true (!)

$x = new StdClass();
$y = new StdClass();

var_dump($x == $y); // true
var_dump($x === $y); // false

class X {};

$p = new X();
$q = new X();

var_dump($p == $q); // true
var_dump($p === $q); // false

$r = array();

var_dump($p == $r); // false
var_dump($p === $r); // false

var_dump("X" == X); // true
var_dump("X" === X); // true

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Octal or not octal, that's the question

We know hexadecimal representations of numbers in code: 0x00 for example. A less well known number representation are octal numbers. Octal numbers are in C like languages defined by prefixing a number with a 0. This can result in weird bugs, especially when not knowing this format. Not-so-surprisingly PHP adds its special confusing powers to this feature.
     0815===0 = true
010===8 = true
"010"==10 = true
"010"==8 = false
"010"=="8" = false
"010"=="10" = true
"0xf"=="15" = true
"08"=="0" = false
018==1 = true
"01"==0 = false
"0xf"=="015" = true

Tested with:
function test ($exp) {
echo sprintf("%15s = %s\n",$exp,eval("return ".$exp.";")?"true":"false");

test("010===8"); // true
test('"010"==10'); // true
test('"010"==8'); // false
test('"010"=="8"'); // false
test('"010"=="10"'); // true

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just another type coercion thingie.

Check this out:
var_dump(1 == "1 dog"); // true
var_dump(1 == "1 cat"); // true
var_dump("1 cat" == "1 dog"); // false

var_dump(1 == "0x1 dog"); // true
var_dump("1 dog" == "0x1 dog"); // false


Transitivity is none of the things that the "==" operator respects at all. Using the "===" comparator works (in this case). Yet I find this thing funny.
This thing refers to their project as "The key innovation in the 3.0 release is the introduction of the PHP-like Lua".

I would like to point out that this comparison is an awful insult to anyone who uses Lua. I can only assume that the author are not aware of what PHP is at all. Or Lua. Or both.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Identify yourself!

$a = array(1,2,3);
$b = array(1,2,3);

var_dump($a === $b); // true;

$a[] = 4;

var_dump($a === $b); // false


In other words: You can't check if you have two variables that point to an array are in fact pointing to different arrays or if they are pointing to the same array.